Decoding Dragon Fruit Nutrients

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Dragon fruit is a treasure of useful vitamins and minerals that are needed for our body. According to the research done by U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) the complete list of vitamins and minerals contents in dragon fruit are as follows.

A plate full of dragon fruit

Dragon Fruit Nutrients Table

Name1 Fruit (75g)100g1 Cup (180g)Unit
Total lipid (fat)0.1050.140.252g
Carbohydrate, by difference11.415.227.4g
Fiber, total dietary2.323.15.58g
Sugars, total including NLEA7.319.7517.6g
Calcium, Ca6.75916.2mg
Iron, Fe0.1350.180.324mg
Magnesium, Mg5.25712.6mg
Phosphorus, P91221.6mg
Potassium, K87116209mg
Sodium, Na0.7511.8mg
Zinc, Zn0.0750.10.18mg
Copper, Cu0.0610.0820.148mg
Selenium, Se0.0750.10.18µg
Vitamin C, total ascorbic acid3.224.37.74mg
Vitamin B-60.0220.0290.052mg
Folate, total5.25712.6µg
Folic acid000µg
Folate, food5.25712.6µg
Folate, DFE5.25712.6µg
Choline, total3.825.19.18mg
Vitamin B-12000µg
Vitamin B-12, added000µg
Vitamin A, RAE0.7511.8µg
Carotene, beta10.51425.2µg
Carotene, alpha0.7511.8µg
Cryptoxanthin, beta1.523.6µg
Lutein + zeaxanthin334479.2µg
Vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol)
Vitamin E, added000mg
Vitamin D (D2 + D3)000µg
Vitamin K (phylloquinone)µg
Fatty acids, total saturated0.0170.0220.04g
Fatty acids, total monounsaturated0.0630.0840.151g
Fatty acids, total polyunsaturated0.0710.0940.169g
Alcohol, ethyl000g

Units used

  • g = Gram
  • mg = Milligrams
  • μg = Micrograms 

Decoding the Nutrients in 100g of Dragon Fruit.

Fresh dragon fruits served in a plate

Dragon fruit contains several useful nutrients for our body. Here all of them are decoded for you. I have tried to provide the usefulness of each individually.

Water (84 g)

The water in dragon fruit is good for your body because it helps keep you hydrated. Staying hydrated is important for various bodily functions, like digestion, regulating body temperature, and overall well-being.

So, the water content in dragon fruit can contribute to your overall hydration, which is beneficial for your health. <<back>>

Energy (57 kcal)

The energy of dragon fruit provides your body with a source of fuel. This energy is like the gas your car needs to run.

It helps your body carry out everyday activities, like moving, thinking, and even breathing. So, eating dragon fruit gives you a little boost of energy to keep your body going. <<back>>

Protein (0.36 g)

While dragon fruit isn’t a protein powerhouse compared to other foods like meat or beans, it does contribute a small amount to your daily protein intake.

Each cup of dragon fruit provides about 2 grams of protein.

The protein in dragon fruit helps your body build and repair tissues. It’s like the building blocks for your muscles, skin, and other parts.

Protein helps your immune system fight off infections and diseases.

Protein can be used as a source of energy for your body, especially during exercise. So, eating dragon fruit gives your body what it needs to stay strong and fix itself when needed. <<back>>

A plate full of dragon fruits

Total lipid (fat) (0.14 g)

So, even though dragon fruit doesn’t have a ton of fat, the little bit it does have is working hard for your body! Remember, all fats aren’t created equal, and the ones in dragon fruit are the good guys.

The fat in dragon fruit provides your body with a source of stored energy. It’s like a backup battery that your body can use when it needs extra fuel.

Plus, some types of fats help your body absorb important vitamins. So, the fat in dragon fruit plays a role in giving you energy and helping you stay healthy. <<back>>

Carbohydrate (15.2 g)

The carbohydrates in dragon fruit act like a quick energy source for your body. They’re like the fuel that powers your engine.

When you eat dragon fruit, the carbohydrates break down into sugars, providing you with a burst of energy to do things like play, work, or think. So, dragon fruit’s carbohydrates are like a speedy energy boost for your body.

Dragon fruit has some special types of sugar called prebiotics. These are like tiny food for the good bacteria in your gut, helping them grow and keep your tummy healthy. <<back>>

A young woman going to eat a yellow dragon fruit

Dietary Fiber (3.1 g) in Dragon Fruit

Dragon fruit’s juicy flesh isn’t just delicious, it’s also packed with a special helper called dietary fiber! You’re not just getting a tasty treat, but also giving your body a healthy dose of dietary fiber. Think of it like a tiny broom inside your tummy:

  • Clean sweep: The dietary fiber in dragon fruit is like a helpful cleaner for your digestive system. Fiber sweeps through your digestive system, keeping things moving smoothly and preventing constipation. It makes your gut happy and healthy.
  • Fullness friend: Fiber makes you feel full and satisfied after meals, helping you avoid overeating. Which can be good for controlling your appetite and maintaining a healthy weight.
  • Blood sugar buddy:  Dragon fruit has a low Glycemic Index (GI) of 48-52, meaning the sugar it has gets into the blood slowly, preventing sudden increases in blood sugar levels. Slow release of sugar into your bloodstream keeps your energy levels stable.
  • Heart helper: Fiber may help lower your risk of heart disease by reducing bad cholesterol levels.
  • Feeds good gut bugs: Fiber is like yummy food for the good bacteria in your tummy, helping them grow and keep your digestive system healthy and happy.

So, next time you see a dragon fruit, grab one! You’re not just getting a tasty treat, but also giving your body a healthy dose of dietary fiber to give your digestive system a little boost. <<back>>

Sugars, total including NLEA (9.75 g)

Dragon fruit contains natural sugars, primarily in the form of fructose and glucose. These are simple sugars found in various fruits. These simple sugars release quick easy-to-use energy to your body, which helps you feel alert and ready for your day. The special prebiotic sugar in dragon fruit is like a tiny food for the good bacteria in your gut.

Calcium, Ca (9.0 mg)

While dragon fruit doesn’t have a ton of calcium compared to other foods like dairy products, it’s still a good source to add to your diet. The calcium in dragon fruit is good for your bones and teeth. It’s like the building blocks that make them strong.

So, eating dragon fruit helps keep your bones and teeth healthy, allowing you to stand tall and smile brightly. <<back>>

Iron, Fe (0.18 mg)

The iron in dragon fruit helps your body make red blood cells, which carry oxygen to all parts of your body. It’s like a delivery person for oxygen, making sure every cell gets what it needs to work well.

So, having the right amount of iron from foods like dragon fruit helps keep you feeling strong and full of energy. Iron helps in building muscle, fighting fatigue, brain development and building the immune system.  It’s like fuel for your body’s engine! <<back>>

A collection of Dragon Fruits of different colors

Magnesium, Mg (7.0 mg)

The magnesium in dragon fruit is like a friend to your muscles and nerves. It helps them work smoothly and stay relaxed. Magnesium can help your muscles contract and relax properly, and it supports a calm and healthy nervous system.

Magnesium also plays a role in keeping your bone strong, preventing diabetics, and keeping your heart rhythm steady. <<back>>

Phosphorus, P (12.0 mg)

The phosphorus in dragon fruit is like a useful partner for your body. It helps build and repair tissues, and it’s crucial for strong bones and teeth.

Phosphorus helps your kidneys filter waste products from your blood, keeping your body clean and healthy. Phosphorus also plays a role in how your body uses and stores energy.

So, eating dragon fruit can be delicious support for keeping your body structures strong and your energy levels up. <<back>>

Potassium, K (116.0 mg)

The potassium in dragon fruit is like a manager for your body’s balance of fluids and minerals. Having enough potassium is good for your heart and can help control your blood pressure, support proper muscle and nerve function, and keep your body hydrated.

Potassium also plays a role in kidney health. Eating dragon fruit is a tasty way to keep these processes in check and promote overall heart and muscle health. <<back>>

Sodium, Na (1.0 mg)

The sodium in dragon fruit is very low. Sodium is important for maintaining a balance of fluids in the body and supporting nerve and muscle function. However, too much sodium can contribute to high blood pressure and other health issues.

Dragon fruit’s naturally low sodium content makes it a good choice for those looking to manage their sodium intake and maintain a healthy balance in their diet. <<back>>

Zinc, Zn (0.1 mg)

The zinc in dragon fruit acts like a guard for your immune system, helping it stay strong and ready to defend your body against illnesses.

Zinc helps the body heal from cuts and wounds faster. It is important in the brain development of children and also helps in healthy skin and shiny hair.

Zinc protects your cells from damage caused by free radicals, keeping you healthy and preventing diseases. <<back>>

Copper, Cu (0.082 mg)

The copper in dragon fruit is like a helper for your body’s overall health and immune system. It absorbs and works with other important nutrients like calcium and iron for your body. It plays a role in keeping your bones strong, maintaining your skin health, and keeping your hair shiny.

Copper supports the formation of red blood cells, which carry oxygen throughout your body, keeping you energized and your brain sharp. <<back>>

A collection of Dragon Fruits of different colors

Selenium, Se (0.1 µg)

The selenium in dragon fruit acts as an antioxidant that protects your cells from free radicals that can lead to diseases. It is a thyroid helper, brain booster, and immune booster. Selenium plays a major role in producing healthy sperm in men and egg development in women.

Vitamin C (4.3 mg)

The Vitamin C in dragon fruit is like a super defender for your body. Vitamin C is known for its antioxidant power, It boosts your immune system to fight off illnesses and even helps your body heal from cuts and bruises.

It’s also good for your skin and helps your body absorb iron from the food you eat. Vitamin C helps your body use energy efficiently, keeping you feeling fueled up and ready to go and also can improve your happy mood. <<back>>

Thiamin (0.012 mg)

The thiamin in dragon fruit acts like an energy maker for your body, It helps your body turn the food you eat into the energy you need to stay active and alert.

Thiamin helps your nerves send signals throughout your body, keeping you feeling good, alert, and coordinated.

Thiamin helps in brain development in children, helps you learn, remember things, and stay sharp. <<back>>

Riboflavin (0.026 mg)

The Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) in dragon fruit is a blessing for your eye power, it keeps your vision sharp and clear, especially in low light.

It helps in converting food to energy so that your body works properly.

Riboflavin may help regulate your mood and reduce stress, keeping you feeling happy and balanced. It is also good for your healthy skin and hair. <<back>>

Niacin (0.161 mg)

The Niacin (Vitamin B3) in dragon fruit is a body recharger, it unlocks the energy stored in your consumed food.

Niacin keeps your skin healthy and radiant by new cell growth and helps to reduce wrinkles, acne, and eczema.

Niacin can help lower your bad cholesterol levels and raise your good cholesterol levels, which is good for your heart health. <<back>>

Vitamin B-6 (0.029 mg)

The Vitamin B-6 in dragon fruit helps your immune system fight off infections and keep you healthy. Helps your body make red blood cells, which carry oxygen throughout your body. 

Vitamin B-6 is a natural mood booster and can help you sleep better by calming your nervous system.

Folate (Total – 7.0 µg, Food – 7.0 µg, DFE – 7.0 µg)

The Folate in dragon fruit is like a supporter of your body’s cell division and DNA formation. It’s crucial for making new cells and is especially important during pregnancy for the development of the baby’s neural tube.

So, eating dragon fruit can be a delicious way to help your body with these essential processes. <<back>>

Choline, total (5.1 mg)

Choline in dragon fruit is like a supporter for your brain and nerve functions. It helps with memory, learning, muscle control, and other important brain activities.

Choline helps the liver remove toxins and fat from your body, keeping it healthy.

Choline helps in breaking down fats and cholesterol. This can prevent fatty liver disease and other liver problems.

Vitamin A, RAE (1.0 µg)

Dragon fruit is packed with a form of Vitamin A called “Retinol Activity Equivalents” or RAE. Think of RAE like a superhero for your eyes and skin, It protects you from night blindness and keeps your vision sharp.

The vitamin A in dragon fruit also keeps your skin healthy and supports your immune system.

RAE is essential for healthy reproductive function in both men and women. <<back>>

A young woman eating a dragon fruit

Carotene (beta-14.0 µg, alpha 1.0 µg)

Beta-carotene in dragon fruit and Alpha-carotene in dragon fruit are like defenders for your body. They convert into vitamin A, which is great for your eyesight, skin health, and immune system.

Both beta and alpha-carotene can help prevent age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and cataracts, which are common eye problems that can cause vision loss. Think of them as natural shields that help protect you from illnesses and keep your body functioning well.

Cryptoxanthin, beta (2.0 µg)

The Cryptoxanthin (beta) in dragon fruit acts as a powerful antioxidant, protecting your cells from damage caused by free radicals. This helps reduce your risk of various chronic diseases, including heart disease, cancer, and Alzheimer’s disease.

Beta-cryptoxanthin is important for your eyes and skin, It helps protect your eyes from age-related macular degeneration and cataracts, which are common eye problems that can cause vision loss. It is good for your overall health. <<back>>

Lutein + zeaxanthin (44.0 µg)

The Lutein and zeaxanthin in dragon fruit act like natural sunglasses for your eyes, shielding them from harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays that can damage your retina filtering out harmful blue light, and protecting them from damage caused by the sun.

This is especially important for preventing age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and cataracts. These nutrients help improve your visual acuity and contrast sensitivity, especially in low-light conditions which helps you see better.

They also improve your ability to distinguish colors and fine details. <<back>>

Vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol) (0.12 mg)

The Vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol) in dragon fruit acts as an antioxidant and a shield for your cells, protecting them from damage caused by free radicals.

Vitamin E helps your immune system stay strong and healthy, so you’re better able to fight off infections and diseases. It protects your skin from sun damage and can even help reduce wrinkles and acne.

Some studies suggest that Vitamin E, specifically alpha-tocopherol, may help lower your risk of heart attack and stroke by reducing bad cholesterol levels (LDL). <<back>>

Vitamin K (phylloquinone) (4.4 µg)

Vitamin K1 (phylloquinone) in dragon fruit helps your body build strong bones by promoting the production of osteocalcin, a bone-building protein that helps your body absorb calcium.

Everybody know how calcium is important to bones. This can help prevent bone loss and reduce your risk of osteoporosis, especially important as you age.

Vitamin K1 plays a crucial role in blood clotting, which helps stopping excessive bleeding and promotes healing after injuries. <<back>>

Fatty acids (Saturated – 0.022 g, Monounsaturated – 0.084 g, Polyunsaturated – 0.094 g)

The fatty acids in dragon fruit include saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated fats. Here’s a simple breakdown:

  • Saturated Fats: These fats are generally found in animal products. While some saturated fats are necessary for your body, too much can be less healthy. Dragon fruit provides a very low amount of saturated fats which is good for your body.
  • Monounsaturated Fats: These are considered heart-friendly fats. They can help improve your good cholesterol levels (HDL) by reducing bad cholesterol levels (LDL) and supporting heart health. Dragon fruit contains small amounts of monounsaturated fats.
  • Polyunsaturated Fats: These are essential fats that your body needs but can’t produce on its own. They support brain function and can help reduce the risk of heart disease. They include essential fatty acids like omega-3 and omega-6, which are important for overall health. Dragon fruit provides small amounts of polyunsaturated fats.

Overall, the amount of fat in dragon fruit is very low, making it a good choice for people who are watching their fat intake. However, the small amount of healthy fats it does contain can contribute to a balanced diet and provide some health benefits. <<back>>

Final words

Dragon fruit is a miracle fruit that contains multiple useful nutrients that help us in multiple ways. It is a gift from Mother Nature, so next time you see a dragon fruit just grab it without any hesitation. Consuming dragon fruit is a healthy way to keep yourself fit and fine.

What NLEA stands for?

NLEA stands for the “Nutrition Labeling and Education Act.” When you see “Sugars, total including NLEA” on a food label, it refers to the total amount of sugars in a product, and it follows the guidelines and regulations set by the Nutrition Labeling and Education Act. This term ensures that the sugar content is presented on the nutrition label according to standardized requirements, allowing consumers to make informed choices about their dietary intake.

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